Saturday, February 5, 2011

Panasonic Camera DMC TZ15

Big SIL was taking family pictures in my house with her camera and was not happy with the outcome despite numerous trial. In the end, I have to use my TZ15 to take the family pictures for her. Then when the big group of cousins came and took pictures of the whole group using my camera and theirs concurrently, they were surprised that pictures in my camera looked much better than theirs from the screen. The lighting effect were shown in my camera and not in theirs. Definition is also much better. My camera is a much older model than theirs. Last year when I used this camera with the tripod, the extended family portrait turns out very well. However this year, I relied on my maid to take the pictures and a lot of it turns out blur due to her hand shaking. Overall, this is a very good camera with a fabulous screen except it's a bit bulky compared to the pocket size.

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