Thursday, October 7, 2010

Electrical Works

These 2 days I learnt a little about electrical works. D has been experiencing frequent power shut down and wanted it to be fixed. His electrical guy quoted $3.8K to upgrade the power. I send S there and he recommended an upgrade to 63 amp single phase. Currently, D is using the old type of window unit aircon without inverter and when 2 units are turn on the power surge to 34 amp and 39 amp when 3 units are turned on. The current 32 amp single phase cannot support it. To upgrade, we need to get the MCST PE to do a check ($500) and then endorsement another $400 to $500. S will need another $2K to run wire, etc. 63 amp 3 phase will be another estimated $1k extra. I found that small engineering company would need at least 60 amp 3 phase to 100 amp 3 phase to operate. S said 63 amp single phase is sufficient for D now since he only need power for aircon and laptops. I think we should make provision for small engineering outfit, afterall the premise is a small workshop. D requested S to replace the master circuit breaker as a short term measure to help stop the frequent power shut down. S said new MCB can only help reduce tripping but guaranteed.

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