Saturday, November 20, 2010

Golden Beryl-Heliodor

This is the Natural Heliodor that came home with us today. It's also called Golden Beryl. Husband and I got it certified by a reliable Gemological Institute. The weight is 23.86 carats, 21.13 x 22.3 x 11.92 mm. There are fine particles under magnification. Gemologist told us that from his experience and observation, this gemstone had not been heat treated. However, he did not state this fact in the report because the equipment only detects heated treatment done at 1000 and above degrees. Beryl can sometimes be given heat treatment of about 200 to 300 degrees to enhance their colour. For my stone, he is of the opinion that no heat treatment has been done. However, though he is positive that the gemstone is not heat heated, he didn't put it in the report as he didn't have any equipment to confirm his conclusion. He said for sure there was no radiation done else he would have stated it in the report.

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