Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Maid 'Offered' us her balanced food

Jan 26 2011. The painters were busy painting the house. I had to leave the house at 12pm to pick up the youngest boy from school and to send him for enrichment class. No one will lunch in except for maid herself. I'v told the painters that I'll only be back at 3pm and they bought their own lunch. Evening time when all the painters were gone, I told the maid to prepare dinner for us (she, myself plus 3 boys as daddy is out of town). She said there's no need to do so. She had cooked 3 cups of rice, a plate of breaded chicken breast and fried chicken wings for her own lunch. As she can't finish the food, we can eat that for dinner. The ingredients were purchased by me and she had not inform me that she'll be using the ingredients to cook her own meal.

Nevertheless, since she's a long serving maid (3 years), I didn't question her. I repeated my request to cook warm rice for the family. The rice remaining from lunch can be used for fried rice the next day. For the dishes, I bought a roast chicken and I just needed her to warm a can of campbell soup and a can of peanut plus the remaining chicken she cooked for her lunch.

Comes 27 Jan 2011. Youngest boy will be home for lunch. I asked her what did she plan to cook for lunch for him. She said steamed rice remaining from last afternoon and cook a tofu with bean paste for him. I was annoyed but kept my silence. Comes dinner time, I asked again, what would she be cooking for the family. She replied a dish of kailan vegetables (no meat) plus plain rice. I asked what happened to the packs of frozen meat and chicken in the freezer, she said they are frozen and not ready for cooking. When I questioned her why not use the remaining half pack of chicken wings she opened for herself yesterday and which was left in the refrigerator, she gave a short reply "OK".

I used to think that she's always helping me to save money by cooking little for us and the children. Now I know I'v not been conscientious in keeping stock of my fridge's inventory. In 3 years, I paid for 2 home trips plus passport renewal (as she was a transfer and left 2 yrs passport validity when she joined me) and higher than stipulated pay. Very disappointed she treated us this way.

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