Monday, August 30, 2010

2010 National Day Rally

First time I sat through the whole rally speech. The speech was made by PM Lee HL. I like the good news he announced.

* Measures to cool the property market.
Since last year I'v been anticipating and expecting the property market to peak in 2010 and then prices and demand will drop after that. Shall see if the prices indeed drop and by how much. I expect the bottom to be around 2015 and then up cycle after that and 2018 2019 to be buoyant market again.

* Normal Academic students can proceed straight to Polytechnic instead of spending an extra year to do O level. Good motivation and morale booster to the NA students.

* Increase MOP of HDB flats and imposing requirement for Pte property owner to dispose of Pte property when they purchase resale flats. Hopefully the cash over valuation will drop with these measures.

* NS men to receive an additional $9k. B1 is going for NS next year. He thinks the amount is a bit low. Well, it's better than none. Of course, I would very much like the amount to be much higher to match the tertiary school fees. It would be a more reasonable compensation for delaying their studies and commencement of their career plus the risky and tough training NS men have to go through.

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