Friday, August 27, 2010

Terrible Neighbour

This evening I witnessed how a terrible neighbour abused my husband who is the chairman of the estate's council . The couple who moved into the estate a year ago came over to our house and requested to see him just before our dinner. They had a structure in their house that did not conform to building requirement. Managing agent had made repeated requests to them to remove the structure but they chose to ignore it. Upon advise from the lawyer, managing agent sent out a legal letter to them for the structure to be removed. Without the legal letter the council members will have to take the rap and penalty for their illegal structure. To make a point that he wants to keep his structure, he demanded and yelled and pointed fingers at my husband. His wife works for a developer and is well aware of all the building requirement. But she did nothing to stop the husband belligerent behaviour towards my husband. I rate this pair of neighbour 5 out of 5 for being the Nasty Terrible Neighbour.

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